This weekend we will be planning to launch my own
"Luna's Library Expansion Pack #?", featuring songs like:
Alvin and the Chimpmunks - Christmas, don't be late
Bumblefoot - Guitars Suck & Guitars Still Suck
Charlie Schmidt - Keyboard Cat
Chopin (Piano Classics) - Butterfly Etude (never released officially)
Niggahiga - Shed a Tear
Metallica - Of Wolf and Man
Swell - Boa Vida
DSP - Donkey Kong Country Team (my version)
Luna - Wolf Song
Miley Cyrus - Butterfly fly away
My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
Naruto - Fighting Dreamers & Training Ninjas (special edition found
HERE (inspired on david bowie)
Red Fang - Wires
The Young Werewolves - Cheatin the Devil
Yoko Kanno - Esukeipo & Gravity & Hurenzu
Zetsu Harada - Ragnarok Title Theme
? - Canon Rock 2
...and more.
Probably not every song is going to be there, since I still have some songs incomplete that need to be finished =P
I'll make the possibles for this weekend be launching a
Tracking Manual that I am writing, so that we can get the most possible people to know how to track (this is just for your benefit, so that you can play practically every song you can wish to).
Also coming for this weekend will be a
Guide on How to play with your Guitar Hero / Rock Band plastic guitar with our game.
Pay attention that this is only a prediction, it might appear sooner or later, but we are pointing it into this weekend =)
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forum also.
Believe it!